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Holistic Wellness Planning


"Tread softly, breathe peacefully, laugh hysterically." - Nelson Mandella

What is a holistic wellness plan?

A structured plan that considers all aspects of your health and wellbeing.  It is based on 8 areas of wellness that are interdependent and can improve your quality of life. 

The 8 areas of your wellbeing are:









A study by Swarbrick (2006) shows that If any one of these areas are neglected over a prolonged period of time, it can adversely affect an individual’s health, wellbeing and quality of life.



We will firstly look at where you are currently with your health and wellbeing.  Based on your own unique assets and strengths we will consider short and long-term goals that are achievable.  These will take into account your beliefs, values, personality traits, culture, and past as well as present life experiences.  

How will this help?

You will be supported to take a proactive approach in defining your priorities and aspirations in life while maintaining what feels most authentic to you.  You will strive towards a personal harmony and improved health and wellbeing, allowing you to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.  

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